The family is characterized by a social construction in which it is traditionally composed of father, mother and children (as), but this institution has undergone many changes and currently it is not possible to think of a single family model.
Homoparenting presupposes that one or two homosexual adults assume the parenting of a child.
Marriage between people of the same sex has been provided for by Portuguese law since June 2010, but only with the entry into force of Law 2/2016, of 29 February, adoption and co-adoption became a right of everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
Studies on the subject are still scarce and the parental competences of a family made up of homosexual element (s) continue to be questioned.
However, it should be noted that, in practice, the adoption or co-adoption process takes time and is processed in different stages.
They are:
– Application with the Social Security Services;
– Social and psychological assessment;
– Formation;
– Period of contact between the family and the child, with a view to creating emotional bonds;
– Assessment of the child’s integration in the family;
– Sending the adoption request to the Court;
– Sentence that definitively establishes the affiliation relationship;
– With the adoption, the adopted child or young person becomes the adopter’s son, adopts his
nickname, becoming part of your family.
Thus, the adopter may be absent from work to assist the child and receive family allowance,
if you are entitled.
The child or young person will become the heir of the adopting person, as if from a
natural descendant if it were. That is, even if the adopter has biological children, the child
adopted will have the same inheritance rights as those.